Reproductive health services for everyone
Get free or cheaper birth control, exams and testing
We are qualified through a federal program called Title X, to provide reproductive health services. We provide these services to anyone. It does not matter how old you are, if you are male or female or if you are married or single. Even if you can’t pay, we can still help you. We also provide free or discounted contraception. This includes an IUD, implants, Depo shots, the birth control pill, ring, and condoms. We offer counseling to help you decide which method to choose, including information on tubal ligation (having your “tubes tied”).
Are you a teen? According to Maryland law, you can get birth control information and treatment. You do not need permission from a parent or guardian. We keep everything confidential. We encourage you to talk to your parents about these important issues. But we will not share your information with anyone unless you give us permission to do so.
We’re proud to say that Baltimore Medical System was the first Federally Qualified Health Center in Baltimore to partner with the Baltimore City Health Department to become a Title X Clinic.
We also provide the following services, on a sliding scale depending on your income:
- Pap smears
- Breast and testicular exams
- Breast, cervical and testicular cancer screening
- STI screening and treatment, including express urine STI and HPV (Human Papillomavirus)
- Free HIV testing
- Several birth control options including natural family planning methods
- Emergency contraception
- Pregnancy testing with options counseling
- DNA testing
- Education on abstinence, pregnancy and sexually transmitted infection prevention, smoking cessation and overall reproductive health