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Pharmacies at Baltimore Medical System


Friendly, affordable and convenient

Everyone should be able to get their prescriptions easily. You should also be able to afford them. We have five pharmacy locations in the same buildings as our centers. We are open on the weekends at our Highlandtown, Belair-Edison, Rosedale, Yard 56 and Saint Agnes locations.

We also provide FREE delivery to our patients who live or work in certain ZIP codes. You can call in your prescription refills 24 hours per day.

Are you insured? We accept most prescription insurance plans. We can help you learn about the health insurance plans offered by the Affordable Care Act or Medicaid. You can call any of our centers and speak with a Pharmacy Assistance Program Coordinator for more information — (410) 558-4754.

Are you worried about being able to pay for your prescription? Learn more about our Pharmacy Assistance Programs.

Personalized care

Our pharmacy staff will get to know you and your family so we can give you the best care. Call or visit our local pharmacies at the Highlandtown, Belair-Edison, Rosedale, Yard 56 or Saint Agnes Hospital centers.