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World AIDS Day

Woman holding red ribbon and right fist up.
November 3, 2022 / Liz Kaylor

What is World AIDS Day? 

World AIDS Day is observed on December 1 each year. It is a day of solidarity for people around the world who are affected by HIV. This day is for voices to unite by sharing experiences, remembering those lost, and standing together in the fight against HIV. While great strides have been made over the four decades since the first known reported cases of AIDS, this disease remains a public health challenge. World AIDS Day is an opportunity for every community and each individual to honor the more than 32 million people who have died worldwide from AIDS-related illnesses. For more information on World AIDS Day, visit UNAIDS World AIDS day.


History of World AIDS Day: 

Two World Health Organization public information officers started World AIDS Day in 1988 as an international day for global health. World AIDS Day is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, to show support for people living with HIV, and to commemorate those who have died from an AIDS-related illness. It’s also reserved as a day to bridge new and effective programs and policies across different sectors around HIV/AIDS. Every year, United Nations agencies, federal agencies, and societies from across the globe join together to campaign around specific themes related to HIV. To learn more about the History of World AIDS Day and see all the previous themes, visit UNAIDS World AIDS day.


Source: National Center for HIV, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention