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Board Members

Christina McWilliams, Board Chair

Business Consultant - Aedifides, LLC

James Bobbitt, 1st Vice Chair

Retired - Community Member

Ayinde Stewart, 2nd Vice Chair

Founder - Clear Resolution Consulting, LLC | Chief Operating Officer - Realtime Technical Solutions, LLC

Selwyn Ray, Secretary

Director - Community Affairs & Engagement - Johns Hopkins University & Medicine

Sandra Johnson, Treasurer

Vice President & Chief Revenue Officer - MedStar Health

Syed Rehman

President - WMS Investments, LLC | Chief Executive Officer - MFSF Investments, LLC

Sarah Johnson Conway, M.D.

Interim Senior Vice President - Office of Johns Hopkins Physicians | Assistant Professor of Medicine - Johns Hopkins Medicine

Keith Rawlings, M.D.

Retired - Community Member

Alexandra Moylan

Shareholder - Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz, PC

Wendy Lincoln

Chief Nursing Officer - Ascension Saint Agnes Hospital

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Carine Yamonche

Registered Nurse - Medstar Union Memorial Hospital | Clinical Instructor - Johns Hopkins School of Nursing

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Cheryl Bryant

Executive Director - Charm City Land Trust

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Scarlett Watson

Retired – Community Member