New to the United States, Lein Tran visited BMS for an ear infection and found a strong, supportive relationship to help her through surviving breast cancer.
Lein Tran was new to the United States when she first walked into BMS at Saint Agnes seeking medical care. Although her appointment was for an ear infection, she disclosed to Health Benefits Advisor Darlene that she had also felt a lump in her breast. This was the beginning of Lein’s battle with cancer – but it was also the beginning of her strong, supportive relationship with Baltimore Medical System.
Darlene reached out to Breast Link, a partnership between BMS and Saint Agnes Hospital that provides support for mammograms and follow-up care, to help Lein begin treatment. Lein was connected with BMS physician Dr. Hernandez for her team-based care, and our translation services ensured that she was able to navigate her treatment plan and engage with her team.
Surrounded by a loving husband and daughter and a caring team at BMS, Lein didn’t lose her spirit or will to fight. Through coordinated care with her BMS team and the Saint Agnes Hospital Cancer Institute, Lein underwent chemotherapy, radiation and a mastectomy.
Lein is a survivor. While BMS continues to provide a medical home for those who need it most, regardless of obstacles including language barriers and insurance coverage, we can continue to tell more success stories like hers every day.