Get medications cheaper or for free
We can help you receive your medications at a reduced rate. If you qualify for a pharmacy assistance program you can get your medications for free.
Our pharmacies accept most prescription plans. We can also help you sign up for pharmacy assistance programs. These plans may reduce your costs or provide your medications for free. If you are not eligible for these plans, we also offer a discount program.
To apply, you must provide a valid identification (ID) for all family members applying for the discount. Examples of ID include, but are not limited to:
- Driver’s License
- State ID card
- Photo ID from Casa de Maryland
- Official School Enrollment Letter
- Consulate Cards
- Passport
- Your 1040 Federal Tax Return (if applicable)
You must ALSO provide one of the following:
- Last two pay stubs
- Award or benefit letter from the government
- Letter from employer on company letterhead stating wages
- Two unemployment stubs
Are you uninsured?
We can help you get your medications and supplies covered
The best way to cut costs is to sign up for insurance. Our Health Benefits Advisors can teach you about health insurance plans offered by the Affordable Care Act or Medicaid.
Our counselors can help you understand what is available and help you sign up for Medicaid. We will do this for anyone – not just our patients.
Our Health Benefits Advisors are available Monday through Friday and only by appointment on Saturdays. Visit or call our centers to speak to an Advisor.
Need help? Have questions?
Please call us or visit one of our pharmacies.